Every university seeks to admit an incoming class who genuinely wants to attend that particular school –- not just for the name the college may carry, but for the educational opportunities and resources the school offers. Students really need to take the time to research what makes the school they are applying to special –- for them. They then need to mention those aspects in their applications. This is a key reason why specificity is so important. (The fact that your college education likely represents the largest personal investment you will ever undertake is a completely different topic.)
To simply say, ‘I want to go to X University because of the great academics,’ doesn’t tell the admissions committee much. There are a lot of schools that have strong academic programs and you could go to any one of them. Quite frankly, these schools have worked hard (often over the course of hundreds of years) to clearly differentiate themselves. Selecting a college is a life-altering decision. You owe it to yourself as well as the school to know why attending their particular institution is in your best interests.
When you mention something specific –- for example, what you liked about a certain class or professor (if you have had a chance to sit in on a class), or a notable alum who has the same career track that you aspire to –- your reasons for wanting to attend the school will be more memorable.
Finally, applicants should never write about something they don’t really care about just for the sake of appearing to know the school. The most important thing you can do is to be authentic. College admissions officers can spot a fake a mile away.