Type of Report
A report is a thing that made up for the information that can be presented another. A Report is the one way to communicate another by the piece of paper or many papers and can be hardcopy. The writer of this report can use formal or informal language in the short or long report. The report may use concise sentences and bullet phases. A report must have 4 parts. Introduction which is the first part is the title of the report. The second is a body which is the data. The data can be a chapter, paragraphs. The fourth is a conclusion. A conclusion can show that all of the report in the concise text. The analyses are shown in this part. The last is appendices are the support of the body. There are text, picture and graphic in this part.
The report can vary in frequency, length, target audience, purpose or source. In this essay, the report is divided into 4 type depend on the purpose of the report. The first one is Cooperate Report or Company Report. This type may be an approval form or request form in internal organization and can be the analytical report. The second is Business Report, may be routine or special. This report sometimes is the non-public because of confidential information. The third is information report or called compliance report or authorized report, this report is about policy or office rules and information report may use for monitoring, personal activity and planning operation such as Sales Reports, Doctor Report. The last one is analytical Report, this report is made up from fact and then analyze this raw data. An analytical report can be problem-solving report show the fact and conclusion of fact such as trouble report, laboratory report.
From the above, there are many types of report. The purpose of a report is the best thing for choosing which reports you should do. The reader who reads the report will be happy if the report is easy to write and clear. The last thing is that don’t forget to show your reference in the report for a show that where can find the reference.