Palm oil (Oil palm) is a Palm tree single-trunk-style family plants. The size is about 20-12 inch stems at age 1-3 years, the trunk is cone encrusted with Kap on more age, but when the Bishop alone the will clearly see the rebound stems. The skin of the Palm like stems The Bishop alone the will look similar, but not very sharp barbed teeth. When they reached the middle of the thorns, it will develop into a. Flowering plant is that gender is a male, it will provide a single example, gaysorn. That, in order to effect a female stick gaysorn. From time to time collect Palm must use knives which are already pulling their cone collapse, lack of. Before cutting the Palm pre Palm way to collapse because the Palm is located on Palm. Cutting process (a) removing and cutting down the Palm trees to collapse. Referred Palm oil is considered to be the economic plants originated in Africa is a plant that provides output. Vegetable oil fuel unit higher areas of all kinds.