Due to demands for quality, short lead times, and flexibility, production methods and logistics have become linked. This is true in all kind of supply chains, both within a company and transcorporate. On the one hand, the processes transforming goods have a strong influence on the choice of logistics systems and on their efficiency — for example, on lead times. On the other hand, from the management point of view, it is not enough to aim for a zero-defect rate in the product -transforming production process if, at the same time, an defect rate of 30 % can be expected in the logistical surround of sales, production, and purchasing. Warehousing and transport, moreover, are viewed increasingly as non-value-adding part processes to be avoided. There is a trend towards continuing production during these part processes, in that, for example, some stage of processing will be executed during transport. It is no longer possible to differentiate strictly between processes of logistics in the narrow sense and processes of production. For this reason, they must be designed and improved in a comprehensive manner.