3.38. H.H. the Emir ratified Law No. (10) of 2013 in the second half of the year thus enacting, in Qatar, GCC legislation on anti-dumping, countervailing and safeguard measures. The Law, drafted at the GCC level, seeks to enable member states to take the necessary measures to protect national markets against dumping, illegal subsidies and surges in imports. Furthermore, this Law also states that a technical body, established at the GCC level and called the Office of the Technical Secretariat, is to oversee all related incidents in the GCC.31 This Office directly reports to and follows the decisions taken by the Ministerial Committee, a body made up of designated representatives from GCC Member States. The Office’s aim is to surveil and regulate all incidents throughout the GCC and to provide technical advice regarding precautions measures to be taken to protect Member States’ domestic markets.