The organization's primary mission will be achieve that objective and efficiency. The agency needs to have qualified personnel with quantities suitable for the job so human resource management is a very important to manage because of staff is responsible for provider and use the resources of the organization to management in the organization such as money, equipment and management. If the organization started with having a good and talented staff, it will result in other side of the organization would be great, so human resources management is very important to the development of the organization. Human resource management is performed on a person who is considered the most valuable resource of the organization to be able to work successfully with the objectives of the organization and operation of preserving and developing the human resources of an organization have the quality of work life Its main tasks include human resource planning, assignment or job design, job analysis, recruitment, selection, evaluation, employee training and development, compensation, health and safety as well as the termination condition of employee therefore the duty of all executive level that will be responsible for human resources management.