The fundamental parameters such as after-curing void ratio seotd and cement content sAwd have been found sufficient to characterize the strength and compressibility of cement-admixed clay at high water contents. From analyses performed on the results of unconfined compression tests, the ratio eot /Aw has been proven to combine together the influences of clay water content, cement content, and curing time on the strength of cement-admixed clay. Moreover, the results of oedometer consolidation tests revealed that while Aw governs the position of the postyield compression line, the magnitude of eot determines the magnitude of the one-dimensional vertical
yield stress svy 8 at particular Aw. The value of eot reflects, primarily, the clay water content and, secondarily, the cement content and the curing time. Normalizing the after-curing unit weight, after-curing water content, and after-curing specific gravity were incorporated in an empirical relationship of eot.