I hope you enjoy your exam and the result of your exam. I cannot say that I was thrilled by the result, but I certainly hope that you learn something from the class. To get good grades, you need to get correct concepts, and are very careful and meticulous. Writing an exam is a great way of showing your communication skill, and it is a very important skill for your future. My intention is always to thrive you for a better person and challenge you to grow more knowledge and learn things by yourself. Doing a baby thesis is one big step to achieve my goal. Hopefully, you learn to do something at the end of the class.
I am writing this announcement to encourage you to think more carefully about your baby thesis topic. It should be new. It should be carefully planned. You should know about your objective. Why do you do it? How will you do it? How can you measure the outcome of your research? Think and then write. You need to persuade me to get you an approval of your baby thesis topic. Do not write and say that you have only two subjects in your research. That is not called research.