Balkan countries(WBC),a distinct geographical in Europe, is well know for a variety of traditional, spontaneously fermented dairy products manufactured mainly in households on a small scale. this study is focused on manufacture of traditional cheeses :fresh soft chees and white pickled cheese. fresh soft chees and white pickled cheese are artisanal cheeses made from cow's milk by farmers on a small scale in the farmhouse, located in specific continental regions in croatia (Prigorje, the Bilogorsko-Podravska region and Zagorje)and Serbia (the south Morava, galija mountaion, mountainous region of eastern Serbia) respectively, following traditional manufacturing procedures. nowadays, among Croatian and Serbia population, there is a growing interest in such artisanal cheeses, due to the uniqueness of such food, in which autochthnonus microbiota derived from raw milk shape characteristics and sensory quality of cheeses.