Binaural Beat 4.0Hz -- Present in dreaming sleep, deep meditation,
storehouse of creative inspiration, spiritual connection,
subconscious mind; creative insight, twilight ("sleep") learning,
vivid mental imagery. Found in advanced meditators.
Binaural Beat 3.5Hz -- Feeling of unity with everything,
accelerated language retention; enhancement of receptivity;
(a remedy for) depression and anxiety, Wholebeing regeneration,
DNA stimulation
Binaural Beat 3.0Hz -- Increased Reaction Time,
3.0 HZ and below are used to reduce muscle tension headaches,
but worked less well on migraines and sinus headaches.
Used to treat allergies, in conjunction with 330 Hz.
Binaural Beat 2.5Hz -- Associated with pain relief and relaxation
and the production of endogenous opiates.
Used for sedative effect.
Base Frequency (Right Ear) 83Hz -- Associated with "3rd Eye Opening"
for some people
Binaural Beat 2.0Hz -- Used for nerve regeneration.
Binaural Beat 1.5Hz -- Abrahams Universal healing Rate.
Associated with Sleep. Those individuals whose ailments
have manifested into the fourth stage of Chronic Fatigue,
where some form of disease is apparent, experienced a release
from the negative sensation of their symptoms when moved into 1.5Hz
Binaural Beat 1.0Hz -- Associated with feelings of well-being,
pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone;
overall view of inter-relationships; harmony & balance
Binaural Beat 0.5Hz -- Considered very relaxing and
is used to fight headaches and lower back pain.
There is going to be a lot more 1 hour, 15 minutes, 30 minutes uploads and also for the chakras
If you are interested in