•After the trip has been planned and reservations made, the travel advisor is still there to answer questions, such as about visa requirements or currency exchange. He or she will also assist in making changes to the reservations if necessary, and may also suggest purchasing travel insurance to insure the cost of the vacation in case of unexpected changes such as illness. Once on the trip, the travel agent may be contacted if any problems with service arise that he or she is capable of resolving.
•Once clients find a travel advisor they like they may choose to work with that person again and again for every trip they plan. This is why it is important for a travel agent to go above and beyond for each client and develop a solid professional relationship. Clients will often recommend that their friends visit the same travel advisor as well, particularly if the agent offers discounts for recommendations or referrals.There are many ways travel agents can develop good relationships with customers which is why it is very important that anyone who wants to follow this career path enjoy working with people.