Honey how are you doing today? I hope everything is okay with you over there? I want to stop worrying about me because nothing will ever change my love for you. I just wanted to write you and let you know how much I do love you and how close we have became in such a short period of time. We may not have known each other long but our love is strong and it means everything to me. You are the one who always makes me feel better about myself and makes me laugh at all the crazy stuff we talk about that no one understands but us. I'm glad I found you and I hope we spend a lot more happy times together in the future. Thanks just for being here for me I love you more than words I could say. I am just waiting for you to make up your mind because I know you are doubting me. There is no day that pass without me think about you. Every time i want us to chat you keep on saying that you are very busy honey. Honey i don't know when you are free anymore. Honey you are hurt feeling why are you doing this to me honey?