ActionsMark as UnreadMark as ReadStarClear StarInboxA-ClistaidAngel-phillipinesBE_CHADABEEBENZbirdCynnnDewDREAM---EmmieFHISFOjaneJunekornkanyaKYM---luckmanocha-annMARGARITAMARIAMAX---MIMI-MISC THAI BOYSMIX---Nutoranuch_tukyPanPAO---phatsuPimPornpupSomgaedSPONGPARST PATTsuthieethai messagesWASSAN
I am looking for a life companion
a wonderful person to live with.
You are very pretty and I would like to be your friend.
Perhaps we will be lovers. LOL
Did you read my profile. I am a teacher.
I come to live in Thailand soon and seek a girlfriend lover.
If you would consider living with an old farang,
and be my girlfriend, I would be honored.
send me email message.