Fact!rs t&at a'ect T&ais( !ral c!))%$icati!$
ccording to 5ichard and 5enandya %--6 -/7--8&, there aresome aspects which a2ect Thais English language skills6 age ormaturational constrain, aural medium, socio cultural factor, and a2ectivefactor. 1hen those factors are linked to the situation and condition in Thailand, it would be some crucial factors which a2ect Thais oralcommunication. !n the "rst, age or maturational constrain is the baseaspect for Thais in learning language. s ! stated above that historically, Thailand had never been colonized for ages. So, thats why most of Thaisare rarely faced to involve in other language, especially in English whichbecomes the strange and di9cult language to learn because they need to