Practicing sustainable campus is a long-term and multilevel
challenge which requires strategic thinking, which
shows the alignment process of sustainability and IS
strategies. In this study, the authors examined the literature
in two fields, including sustainability transformation and
information systems. In addition, a preliminary analysis
established to look into the way HEIs transform their core
activities of teaching and research, institutional management
and operational systems towards sustainability. Moreover,
through preliminary analysis, the authors observed the real
problem of practitioners in HEIs in practicing sustainable
campus. In summary, HEIs do not consider integrated IS
strategy and application at the early stage of sustainability
transformation. They do not implement sustainability and IS
simultaneously and harmoniously. Therefore, current
sustainability decision making is silo-based, the HEIs unable
to analyse their performance, and the problem of overlapping
data, information and activities arise. These problems inhibit
the effectiveness and efficiency of sustainable campus
operations and can increase the implementation costs and
time. To solve this issue, hence, the authors developed and
proposed a sustainability transformation framework, which
consists of three important factors: (i) decision making
levels, (ii) transformation phases, and (iii) transformation
procedures. This framework could be an integrative way and
process in transforming sustainability. However, the
sustainability transformation framework has not been applied
in real world case study. Thus, there is a need for other
researchers to expand this study by validating the framework
in a group of experts, and applying this framework in HEIs.
Nevertheless, this study gives a contribution to the
knowledge in term of alignment of sustainability and IS
strategies in sustainability practices. In addition to this, the
framework could be a guideline for practitioners to
implement sustainable campus effectively.