Let us consider and analyze the most significant blocks of NBETP.
Professionally-oriented block consists of: the set of authentic scientific-technical texts from different content areas (texts and articles from specialist textbooks, special science journals, encyclopaedias, reference books, students’ books and teaching aids); visual materials (lectures, videos, et al.). Professionally-oriented block is, first of all, a source of substantial information from engineering subject areas. Secondly, this block allows the logical arrangement of the teaching material.
The video material block includes: glossary; flash interactive; digital dictionary; video-collection; figures of video description; video grammar; grammar flash tables and set of assignments. Engineering abbreviations and acronyms (e.g., AC for alternating current, EMF for electromotive force and at al.) occur in the engineering register and engineering references so often that they cannot be ignored. Those abbreviations are included in the developed NBETP under a special heading “Abbreviations and Acronyms” provided with special link to the flash video and video collection for better comprehension of their meanings. Highly-technical terminology usually relates to a particular specialized field and is important because the discipline-specific word lists is aimed at fourth-year engineering students who study their specialist courses and are in a homogeneous class of the same engineering majors when attending an ESP course.