Consult with CMO to determine objectives and requirements for events such as meetings, conferences, and conventions.
Coordinate services for events, such as accommodation and transportation for participants, facilities, catering, signage, displays, special needs requirements, printing and event security.
Monitor event activities to ensure compliance with applicable regulations and laws, satisfaction of participants, and resolution of any problems that arise.
Conduct post-event evaluations to determine how future events could be improved.
Maintain records of event aspects, including financial details.
Meet with CMO to plan scope and format of events, to establish and monitor budgets, or to review administrative procedures and event progress.
Plan and develop programs, agendas, budgets, and services.
Direct administrative details such as financial operations, dissemination of promotional materials, and responses to inquiries.
Negotiate contracts with such service providers and suppliers as hotels, convention centers, and actors.
Inspect event facilities to ensure that they conform to Company's requirements.
Evaluate and select providers of services according to Company's requirements.
Support & Other duties as required