Keeping this stone on you is beneficial for the physical body. Its vibration aids tissue renewal... and it will aid your body to eliminate problems with rheumatism, fevers and skin problems. The energy of Carnelian Stones will help to dispel fear... and will bring inner peace. You can keep a Carnelian tumblestone in your pocket if you prefer.
Carnelian and Sunstone Pendant
Carnelian and Sunstone Pendant
The energy of these orange crystals sharpens your enjoyment of life and stimulates the health of the physical body generally.
Carnelian jewelry is easy to obtain, including a range of attractive orange Carnelian pendants and necklaces... and will be advantageous if worn as a bracelet or ring or it is easy to buy a lovely pendant to wear low on the chest.
If you can keep this stone within the area of the three lower chakras... it will be most beneficial. Carnelian jewelry is beautiful... and these lovely stones are on the zodiac birthstone list.
They are an Aries birthstone, as well as a Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, Leo and Cancer birthstone, and jewelry made from the stones is attractive and is easily found.
While it is good if you can wear it close to the lower chakras, wearing any type of jewelry will be advantageous, as simply keeping it within your aura will make the most of its energy. This will help to keep this lovely positive energy working for you.