1. Is Target Costing Transferable to US Companies?
• Currently every US Auto Manufacturer is using some form of Target Costing
• At the time of the case this was not true
• Dodge was the first US Manufacturer to turn to Target Costing
• Adopted Balanced Scorecards to create the Dodge Neon
2. Us Auto Manufacturers
Tiny Car Tiny Profit
• Cost of developing new vehicles was and continues to be very expensive
• Quality was a problem associated with US Compact Cars
- Chevy Vega
- Ford Pinto
Henry Ford II
• Dodge was having quality issues along with huge financial troubles at the same time
• Turned to Target Costing and adopted Nissan’s approaches and development processes
- Allowed cost cutting by looking at whole production process
- Lowered component and development costs
• Total Result was the first profitable US Compact Car