Cooperation is planned at two levels. Firstly, at the level of information and forecasting, an agreement is being negotiated to enable Luxembourg to participate in the forecasting work on ozone and fine-particle concentrations being done for Belgium by Brussels' interregional Commitee of the Environment. In a second phase, Luxembourg will work with the Belgian authorities to establish an action plan for reducing ozone precursors. As required by Directive 2008/50/EC on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe, an air quality plan for the city of Luxembourg is currently under consideration. The main objective is to restrict the transgression of NOx limits in the city centre. Some of the measures proposed include an accelerated renewal of the city bus fleet, the creation of a tramway, and the prohibition of trucks in certain critical sectors of the city [19]. In the top half of Table 1 we can find members that joined EU in the last two enlargements - Bulgaria and Romania in 2007, and Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, and Slovenia, in 2004. This can be explained due to the fact that these countries started implementing environmental policies just recently. And then we have countries that are in the ongoing economic crises heartened the most, Greece, Ireland, and Italy. One of the arising statements is that for the real implementation of the environmental policies, countries need solid investments into infrastructural projects, which these countries at the start of the crises in 2007 just could not afford.