Pare lime leaves by tearing the leaf away from either side of the stem Diseard A%ntral stem Then. using scissors, eut leaves into thin strips. Set aside.
Add When tha eumy sauce comes to a boil, chicken, stirring to incorporate. 5 minutes, or until reduce heat to medium or medium-low for a nice simmer. r chicken is cooked through. Stir occasionally.
serve with Thai jasmine riee on the side, guests to add their own. Top allowing each portion with fresh basil, then druk over a little coconut milk ard EN Jon
warm a wok or large frying med um-kigh heat. Add oil and swirl pan over around, then add the green curry paste stir-fry briefly to release the fragrance (30 seconds to 1 minute), then add most of the remaining coconut milk. resemng 1 Tbsp. per serving portion for later.
Place all the green cumy paste dients together in food processor. and a process to a paste. Set aside.
Do a taste-test. adding 1-2 Txp fish sauce if not or Raverful enough if salty you'd prefer a sweeter eumy, add little more sugar. if too salty, add a squeeze of lime or of a balance lemon juice. If too spieg.
add more coconut milk. Note that this curry should be a salty, spicy, sweet and sour Add vegetables, plus strips of leaf lime zest), stirring well to lime or ire orporate. Simmer until vegetables are cooked to your liking.