My Dearest Wife,
I hope you are doing great in the best of health, I know that you would be very worried about me for not receiving email from me for some time now it was due to the Somali pirates alert threat's we are receiving in the ship for some days now, the captain of the ship has finally stopped/anchored the ship in Bobowasi Island somewhere in Western Region of Ghana and just informed us that the Somali pirates are waiting ahead of us to hijack the ship,so we are doing our best to dispose our cash and valuable belongings and stay alert because they might come closer to us.
Baby as i earlier informed you, the Somali pirates are group of evil men that seize ships in the sea and kill people also steal valuable belongings that belong to people in the ship. I am really scared and worried about this situation most especially for my Valuables and You. The Somali pirates are about 312 KM away from us and we have been receiving warning alert regarding the dangers. The captain of the Ship have announced that all goods should be offloaded for another means of transportation as the Ship will duck here for a while until its safe to continue sailing.
Now I am worried with the large amount of money which I have with me of GBP 570,000 (Five Hundred and Seventy Thousand BRITISH POUNDS) to buy AU metal (Gold) to supply to my Business Associate in Australia...I am also carrying some important valuables with me a Diamond Ring for me to engage you upon my arrival to your country(This Engagement was supposed to be my surprise package for you)..This money is my entire funds which I have earned during my years of service in the shipping industry and would like to entrust it to you as my proposal. The banks in Bobowasi Island Ghana only operate local transfer they don’t operate international transfer, but there is a Trust Worthy and Reliable Security Company that can be useful to me now.
Meanwhile, I will deposit the funds and Belongings in a Consignment with the Security Company here in Bobowasi Island Ghana to assist me lodge the Consignments on my behalf through their Diplomats to you immediately. As soon as the consignments has been deposited finally, I shall give you necessary detailed information of the security company to enable you contact them and proceed with the claims of the consignments as my sole beneficiary until my arrival to your country. As the Operator Engineer in this Ship, it’s not possible for me to move along with the passenger because I have to take care of this ship until all Cargoes are completely discharged.
This is my first experience ever in my life and I think its God grace for us to meet this soon. For some security reasons, I am thinking of sending this consignments out from this Island to a Security Firm with instruction to deposit it in your custody. I love you so much honey,and at this time I want to plead for your great assistance to help me receive this consignment and keep safe for me until I have the chance to make my trip and meet you soonest. Honey, I know it’s not quite long we met but at this point of my confusion I just have to trust and rely fully on you.
Now,I have arranged with one of the security firm and they will be responsible to deliver this consignments to you via their diplomats and however i would like you to act as my sole beneficiary of the consignments so that it can be deposited in your in your name and address. Please, kindly send to me the following information as stated below to enable me lodge this consignments now. As soon as I receive your information I shall quickly go to the security company to carry out all necessary applications to facilitate the deposit of the consignments in your name and shall forward to you all the instructions and advice needed to claim it.
kindly send to me the following information as stated below
Your full name:
Telephone number:
Honey, this is very urgent and your quick response towards this matter will be greatly appreciated. I will conclude the process of sending this consignments to you once I receive the above information. I am sitting by the sea shore now with my Palm-Top and i am waiting for your urgent response to my email. I wait the information from you today. Please, hurry up to contact me (+233506731909 ) Baby my Hope and Trust is on you now do not let me down......
I Love you so much and always,