Hello Honey, i am very delighted to read from you at this moment, i was really thinking about you and when came in, i got your letter and it made me very very happy. thank you honey for being there for me to make me happy and strong. I promise to love you with all my life and to make you always happy till death do us part.
Honey, honestly before i met you, i have been praying to God to bring in my life my soul mate and a wife to spend the rest of my life with. So honey, you may not know but i want you to know that God brought you in my life and you have been a source of joy and happiness to me and i am really in love with you, i do not think that i can life again without you because knowing you have really satisfied my soul, you have fulfilled my dreams, you have restored my joy and happiness, you have become my long awaited desire and i am happy that i met you and love you.
Honey, my life has been empty since my wife died and i am happy that i met you to fill my life again.
I pray and ask Almighty God to make my dream real, I will forever love you....... I will do everything I can to show you that i love you and want to marry you......
What are you doing now?, what is the time there?
I love you so much honey and i miss you more.....
Have a lovely night i will be more happy to read from you as soon as possible.......
Your love.