ABSTRACT. Children and adolescents with chronic
abdominal pain pose unique challenges to their caregivers.
Affected children and their families experience distress
and anxiety that can interfere with their ability to
perform regular daily activities. Although chronic abdominal
pain in children is usually attributable to a
functional disorder rather than organic disease, numerous
misconceptions, insufficient knowledge among
health care professionals, and inadequate application of
knowledge may contribute to a lack of effective management.
This clinical report accompanies a technical report
(see page e370 in this issue) on childhood chronic abdominal
pain and provides guidance for the clinician in the
evaluation and treatment of children with chronic abdominal
pain. The recommendations are based on the
evidence reviewed in the technical report and on consensus
achieved among subcommittee members. Pediatrics
2005;115:812–815; abdominal pain, irritable bowel syndrome,
functional bowel disorders.