global relations. The East Asian voice may be better addressed
if the East Asian identity via E A C w i l l be realized.
(4) China has a broad concept for regionalism since it is sur-
rounded by different large geographical areas. Although China
takes "10+3" (TFT) as the core course for EAC, it has a flexible
attitude towards accepting and participating in the multi-layered
frameworks, for example, EAS.1 1 At the same time, China has
made efforts in developing non-East Asian institutions, for
example, SOC, the possible Northeast Asian security regime
based on the success of Six-Party Talk.
(5) China's economic success has benefited from its global opening-
up policy; thus China supports the WTO multilateral system.
China also has a vital stake in the Asia-Pacific region, thus it is
very interested to engage APEC and other Asia-Pacific initiatives,
for example, in energy, financial cooperation, etc. From this perf
spective, China's regionalism is flexible and open-minded.
(6) China insists that East Asia should find its own way to coopv-
erate. EAS does not intend to create an exclusive bloc by ^
getting the US out. The US and East Asia have many channels
for engagement and cooperation, for example, bilateral
alliances and FT As, APEC, ARF, as well as Six-Party Talk and
the potential dialogue partner of SCO
global relations. The East Asian voice may be better addressedif the East Asian identity via E A C w i l l be realized.(4) China has a broad concept for regionalism since it is sur-rounded by different large geographical areas. Although China takes "10+3" (TFT) as the core course for EAC, it has a flexibleattitude towards accepting and participating in the multi-layered frameworks, for example, EAS.1 1 At the same time, China has made efforts in developing non-East Asian institutions, forexample, SOC, the possible Northeast Asian security regimebased on the success of Six-Party Talk. (5) China's economic success has benefited from its global opening- up policy; thus China supports the WTO multilateral system. China also has a vital stake in the Asia-Pacific region, thus it isvery interested to engage APEC and other Asia-Pacific initiatives, for example, in energy, financial cooperation, etc. From this perfspective, China's regionalism is flexible and open-minded. (6) China insists that East Asia should find its own way to coopv-erate. EAS does not intend to create an exclusive bloc by ^getting the US out. The US and East Asia have many channelsfor engagement and cooperation, for example, bilateral alliances and FT As, APEC, ARF, as well as Six-Party Talk and the potential dialogue partner of SCO
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