Renewable energy technologies are being developed to solve increasing electrical energy needs. Hydro energy is
playing an important role. This paper presents a new concept of hydrokinetic turbine inspired by fish-like motion.
The device is based on using an oscillating turbine to extract energy from vortices which are produced from an
upstream cylinder. The objectives of this study were: 1) to find out the parameters which affected mechanical power
and efficiency, 2) to find out the optimum condition of an oscillating water turbine and 3) to design a full-scale
prototype with a cycle-averaged power of 100 W using the similarity methods. The results of the study were as
follows: 1) mechanical power and efficiency depended on flow velocity U, diameter of cylinder D, longitudinal
distance between cylinder and turbine S, friction torque T and spring stiffness k, 2) the optimum condition which
defined as condition of an oscillating turbine with maximum efficiency was at Reynolds number Re = 50645, the
ratio of the longitudinal distance between cylinder and turbine S to diameter of cylinder D = 10.4, the reduced friction
torque T* = 2.7 , the reduced spring stiffness k* = 0.004 and 3) the dimensions of full-scale prototype with a cycleaveraged
power of 100 W were presented.
AbstractRenewable energy technologies are being developed to solve increasing electrical energy needs. Hydro energy isplaying an important role. This paper presents a new concept of hydrokinetic turbine inspired by fish-like motion.The device is based on using an oscillating turbine to extract energy from vortices which are produced from anupstream cylinder. The objectives of this study were: 1) to find out the parameters which affected mechanical powerand efficiency, 2) to find out the optimum condition of an oscillating water turbine and 3) to design a full-scaleprototype with a cycle-averaged power of 100 W using the similarity methods. The results of the study were asfollows: 1) mechanical power and efficiency depended on flow velocity U, diameter of cylinder D, longitudinaldistance between cylinder and turbine S, friction torque T and spring stiffness k, 2) the optimum condition whichdefined as condition of an oscillating turbine with maximum efficiency was at Reynolds number Re = 50645, theratio of the longitudinal distance between cylinder and turbine S to diameter of cylinder D = 10.4, the reduced frictiontorque T* = 2.7 , the reduced spring stiffness k* = 0.004 and 3) the dimensions of full-scale prototype with a cycleaveragedpower of 100 W were presented.
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