I remember that when I was child, I saw one public service announcement in the television that was performed by Yul Brynner, who was an actor of "The King and I". In an announcement, he said, "If I hadn't had smoking the cigarette, I would not have talked to you smoking was hazardous the health". An announcement was played after he had died in lung cancer, which was caused by smoking. This announcement gave me deeply impression that cigarette was harmful our health absolutely. However, how many people agree this? Everyday, we hear much news about the people who die from the cancer, which is caused by smoking or passive smoke. It is obvious that smoking not only affects the health of smokers, but also harms other people who are not smoking. So, many people think government should ban the smoking in public place. However, this issue always provides a lot of controversy. Some people say "Yes", some people say "No". Now, we are going to examine what opinion the people have in this issue.