The differences from current UK GAAP include:
a different approach to financial instrument accounting, including the recognition of derivatives at fair value;
recognition of deferred tax on revaluations, rolled over gains and fair value adjustments in a business combination;
the recognition of more intangible assets in a business combination; and
no multi-employer exemption in relation to group pension schemes: any liability (or asset) is recognised on at least one entity’s individual balance sheet.
Like FRS 101, FRS 102 includes a reduced disclosure regime which will allow the individual accounts of qualifying parent and subsidiary entities to omit certain disclosures. Unlike under FRS 101, charities may be qualifying entities under FRS 102. The disclosure exemptions include cash flow statements, certain group share-based payment disclosures and (unless the qualifying entity is a financial institution) information about financial instruments. Under FRS 102, all financial institutions must make additional disclosures about financial instruments.
Effective date
FRSs 100-102 are applicable for accounting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2015. This will require (for 31 December year ends) a transition balance sheet to be prepared as at 1 January 2014. FRSs 100 and 101 can be adopted early with immediate effect, regardless of the accounting period (although see the earlier comment on switching back from EU-IFRS to UK GAAP). Early adoption of FRS 102 is permitted for periods ending on or after 31 December 2012.