My cousin Patricia is a teacher and works for Santa Maria de Fatima Hi การแปล - My cousin Patricia is a teacher and works for Santa Maria de Fatima Hi บาสก์ วิธีการพูด

My cousin Patricia is a teacher and

My cousin Patricia is a teacher and works for Santa Maria de Fatima High School, in Peru.She has been teaching there for the last six years. She is 32, but looks much younger. Patty is a very nice person to get along with and has some very good qualities.
Patricia believes all people are equal. She likes to show people that women as well as men can do anything and be successful. When she talks about current events, she likes to mention the achievements of men and women of all races and nations. She often asks her students to do research on organizations in which people work together to make the world a better place.
My cousin is a good leader. If you ever had a chance to join any of her group meetings, you would notice right away how she enjoys leading others while encouraging them to participate in what is going on. When there are decisions to be made, she listens to everyone’s opinions and respects everyone’s suggestions. People who know that aspect of her like her very much. People like to be with her, and she has many friends. The only thing bad I can say about her is that I don’t see her often enough.
In conclusion, my cousin Patty is very nice in many ways, is a very good teacher, and is the best company a person could have. I wish she didn’t live so far away, but someday maybe she will come to live near my family. That will be a wonderful day.
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ผลลัพธ์ (บาสก์) 1: [สำเนา]
Nire lehengusua Patricia irakasle bat da eta han irakasten dira azken sei urteetan Santa Maria de Fatima High School lan egiten du, Peru.She ere. 32 da, baina itxura askoz gazteagoa. Patty oso polita pertsona bat batera iritsi da, eta oso ezaugarri onak ditu.
Patricia ustez, jende guztiak ez dira berdinak. Pertsona hori emakumeen baita gizonen ezer egin dezake eta arrakasta erakusteko gustuko zuen. Noiz hitzaldiak uneko gertaerak zuen, lasterketak eta nazio guztietako gizon eta emakumeen lorpenak aipatzea gustuko zuen. Galdetzen dio sarritan bere ikasleak ikerketa egin eta bertan jendeak elkarrekin lan mundua leku hobea egiteko erakundeen orrian.
Nire lehengusina lider ona da. Inoiz izan aukera bat bere talde bilerak edozein batzeko bada, berehala nabarituko nola besteen liderra gozatzen zuen bitartean horiek sustatuz zer gertatzen da parte hartuko luketen duzu. Noiz ez dira egin beharreko erabakiak, entzuten guztion iritziak behar zuen eta guztion iradokizunak errespetatzen. Bere alderdi hori bere asko bezala ezagutzen duten pertsonak. Pertsonak nahi berarekin egon, eta lagun asko ditu. Gauza txarrak bakarrik bere buruz esan dezaket da, ez ditut ikusten nahikoa askotan bere.
Ondorioz, nire lehengusua Patty da, modu askotan, oso polita, oso irakasle ona da, eta enpresa onena pertsona bat izan daiteke. Berak ez zuen bizi hain urrun nahi dut, baina, egunen batean, agian, nire familia gertu bizi etorriko da zuen. Egun zoragarria izango da.
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