To further test its universal utility, we applied DNAsimp to
DNA extraction from leaves of 10 common tropical plants
(Table 1). It turned out that DNAsimp lysing buffer was
successful in the extraction of tropical plant total DNA.
Equal-volume-load gel electrophoresis showed obvious
different productivity of each plant material (Figure 2).
DNA quality measured by spectrophotometry indicated
that DNA purity was good (A260/280≈1.8) (Table 1). The
differences list in Table 1 refers to DNA concentration and
yields which are in correspondence with the pattern
depicted in Figure 2.
Interestingly, we found that samples with higher
A260/230 value might lead to higher DNA yields and vice
versa. For example, M. esculenta produced the highest
DNA yield and the value of A260/230 was up to 1.83,
whereas, S. portulacastrum had the lowest yield and the
value of A260/230 was only 0.56 (Table 1). In general, the
DNA purity and yields (>> 100 μg/g) could fulfill the needs
of most molecular studies.