Voice: “QUEST—We do our best.” Please enter your 12-digit card number.
Attendant: Hello. QUEST customer service. Please tell
me your name as it appears on your card.
Jessica: Jessica Moskowitz.
Attendant: Can you spell your last name?
Jessica: Moskowitz. That’s M-O-S-K-O-W-I-T-Z.
Attendant: What’s your card number, again?
Jessica: It’s 3542 7980 5691.
Attendant: Did you say 5691?
Jessica: Yes, that’s correct.
Attendant: And for identification purposes, what is
your mother’s maiden name?
Jessica: Robinson.
Attendant: OK. I’ve found your record.
How can I help you?
Jessica: I want to report a stolen card.
Attendant: Now, ma’am, what was the last purchase
you made on the card?
Jessica: Let me see. It was at Daisy’s Flower Shop, wasn’t it? I can’t remember exactly.
I use my card all the time. But it was yesterday morning.