What happened? (answers)
1. To get food for their family.
2. Seven: Two parents and five children.
3. She called him “uncle” (a term of respect) and she said he was “large and magnificent,” “wise and
mighty” and “an important person.”
4. He wanted the foxes to show him where the children were so he could eat them and the parents!
5. She wanted her husband and herself to be able to get down into the den where they would be
safe. She knew the tiger couldn’t get in there to harm her children.
What do you think? (Discussion points)
The tiger was fooled by Mother Fox’s flattery. He thought she was so impressed with him that she didn’t
know what he was planning to do. But, in fact, he was so impressed with himself that he didn’t
know what she was planning to do, until it was too late!