I'm finally able to work on Opti Munich meeting reports and start with Alcom / Slovenia which have several points we need to reply.
1- Shipping method trough Belgium. Please define once for all this procedure and possibly quote shipping price offer.
In future Alcom would like to use only this method to receive lenses from TOG.
2- TRB Transitions : They are very interested. Michelle mentioned that the official range has changed (no blanks over base 8 ) and would appreciate to receive the updated file.
Secondly please send me our best price offer. Volumes are going to be small as you can see also TRB clear is not so big.
3- SB0 1.60 80 mm : Interested and asked for samples. Please bring them over to MIDO and if they will not visit our booth I will drive to their offices after the show.
Also confirm if prices quoted back in 2012 are already for MR8 material.
4- 1.55
Please prepare assorted samples in FSV and SB0 and bring them over to MIDO
Kindly once again discuss with Michelle if we are willing to supply UNCOATED lenses.
Thank you and regards