Knowledge Management and
Knowledge-Related ProjectWork
Knowledge management
Knowledge management comprises a range of practices used by organizations
to identify, create, represent and share knowledge for reuse, awareness
and learning. Knowledge management is typically tied to organizational
objectives and is intended to achieve specific outcomes, such as
shared understanding, improved performance, competitive advantage,
or higher levels of innovation. One aspect of knowledge management,
knowledge transfer, has always existed in one form or another. Examples
include on-the-job peer discussions, formal apprenticeship and mentoring
programmes. However, with computers becoming more widespread
since the second half of the twentieth century, specific adaptations of
technology, such as knowledge bases, expert systems and knowledge
repositories, have been introduced to further simplify these processes.
Knowledge management programmes attempt to manage the processes
of knowledge creation, accumulation and application across organizations.
Knowledge management programmes attempt to bring under
one set of practices various strands of thought and practice relating to