• The students will learn that there were two sides to the Revolutionary War; the Loyalists and the Patriots.
• The students will learn and understand the viewpoints of both sides of the Revolutionary War
• The students will be able to understand the major events of the American Revolutionary War.
• The students will be able to understand the meaning behind the events.
• The students will learn specifically about Paul Revere, Benedict Arnold, and John Hancock.
• The students will learn how these three figures influenced the Revolutionary War.
Lesson 1: The students will watch a Youtube clip that begins to discuss the different viewpoints of the two sides, they will write down a few things they learn and one question about the video.
Lesson 2: “We have the Loyalists and the Patriots. Now we need some action between them. Today’s lesson is going to teach us about some important events that happened during the Revolutionary War.
Lesson 3: The students will fill out a KWL chart on either Benedict Arnold, Paul Revere, or John Hancock.
Lesson 1: Students will be given the materials they need and will be given enough instruction
Lesson 2: Each group member will have the chance to read the article on their own before discussing it with their small group.
Lesson 3: Students will be provided with internet use and also will be able to do research using books.
Lesson 1: The teacher will have a series of questions and after each question students will go to the Loyalist side of the room or the Patriot side. The students will have a chance to explain why they went to the side they did.
Lesson 2: The students will sum up the events that were talked about in large group discussion. This will also be the time for questions.
Lesson 3: The students will be asked to tell the class what important facts they wrote down about each person discussed.
Lesson 1: The students will be asked to write a definition for what it means to be a Loyalist and what it means to be a Patriot. There must be 3-facts present in each definition. This assignment will be done at home.
Lesson 2: The students will be asked to match the event to a description. (during a final test)
Lesson 3: The students will be asked to do research and gather their own information
Lesson 1: The teacher will assign which student is the computer monitor for each group.
Lesson 2: Everyone is to contribute one fact to the graphic organizer
Lesson 3: There are multiple resources to use as in internet, books, and graphic organizers
Lesson 1: The groups will have a T-Chart with the categories labeled. Large group explanation, creating small groups/assigning a computer monitor, individual group work time, and large group sharing. Everyone will have a special job during
Lesson 2: Graphic organizer will be given to them with clear instructions for each section. Students will have time to read the article for themselves (at their pace), then group work where all contribute, and then large group sharing.
Lesson 3: Everyone in the group will be assigned different roles such as two people will be in charge of the computer, one to be the recorder on the same KWL chart that your group already received, one person will be the researcher in the books and one will be the presenter. A picture is provided as well as KWL chart, books, and internet access.
W• The students will learn that there were two sides to the Revolutionary War; the Loyalists and the Patriots.• The students will learn and understand the viewpoints of both sides of the Revolutionary War• The students will be able to understand the major events of the American Revolutionary War.• The students will be able to understand the meaning behind the events.• The students will learn specifically about Paul Revere, Benedict Arnold, and John Hancock. • The students will learn how these three figures influenced the Revolutionary War. HLesson 1: The students will watch a Youtube clip that begins to discuss the different viewpoints of the two sides, they will write down a few things they learn and one question about the video.Lesson 2: “We have the Loyalists and the Patriots. Now we need some action between them. Today’s lesson is going to teach us about some important events that happened during the Revolutionary War. Lesson 3: The students will fill out a KWL chart on either Benedict Arnold, Paul Revere, or John Hancock. ELesson 1: Students will be given the materials they need and will be given enough instructionLesson 2: Each group member will have the chance to read the article on their own before discussing it with their small group.Lesson 3: Students will be provided with internet use and also will be able to do research using books. RLesson 1: The teacher will have a series of questions and after each question students will go to the Loyalist side of the room or the Patriot side. The students will have a chance to explain why they went to the side they did. Lesson 2: The students will sum up the events that were talked about in large group discussion. This will also be the time for questions.Lesson 3: The students will be asked to tell the class what important facts they wrote down about each person discussed. ELesson 1: The students will be asked to write a definition for what it means to be a Loyalist and what it means to be a Patriot. There must be 3-facts present in each definition. This assignment will be done at home.Lesson 2: The students will be asked to match the event to a description. (during a final test)Lesson 3: The students will be asked to do research and gather their own informationTLesson 1: The teacher will assign which student is the computer monitor for each group.Lesson 2: Everyone is to contribute one fact to the graphic organizerLesson 3: There are multiple resources to use as in internet, books, and graphic organizers OLesson 1: The groups will have a T-Chart with the categories labeled. Large group explanation, creating small groups/assigning a computer monitor, individual group work time, and large group sharing. Everyone will have a special job during Lesson 2: Graphic organizer will be given to them with clear instructions for each section. Students will have time to read the article for themselves (at their pace), then group work where all contribute, and then large group sharing.Lesson 3: Everyone in the group will be assigned different roles such as two people will be in charge of the computer, one to be the recorder on the same KWL chart that your group already received, one person will be the researcher in the books and one will be the presenter. A picture is provided as well as KWL chart, books, and internet access.
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