than 97 h. In contrast, growth rates of L. rhamnosus CTC1708 and
CTC1709 were reduced in MRS-Salt but not in MRS-mix. L. casei/
paracasei strains and L. rhamnosus CTC1679 did not show significant
differences in the growth rate (p > 0.05) among MRS-c, MRSSalt
and MRS-mix and the TTD increase was 23 h for L. rhamnosus
CTC1679 and lower than 12 h for L. casei/paracasei strains, which pointed out these strains as potential starter cultures in fermented
Several authors have reported that certain lactobacilli strains
could be used as bioprotective cultures for controlling spoilage and
pathogenic microorganisms in meat products (Aymerich et al., 2000;Dicks et al., 2004; Klingberg et al., 2005; Muthukumarasamy and
Holley, 2007). In the present study, from the 23 different Lactobacillus
strains only the L. gasseri strains showed indirect antagonism
against L. monocytogenes and Salmonella (Table 3). The fact that the
inhibition of the pathogens was not maintained when neutralized