Analysing the participants’ listening comprehension performance data for discrete
strategy use in both experimental and control classes, the number of correct responses
to the questions was used as a measure of the participants' listening performance. Our
hypothesis was concerned with the degree to which listening strategy instruction in
Persian might result in variance in EFL listening performance. We hypothesized that
the class receiving the experimental intervention would perform better than the control
class on listening comprehension administration. In order to examine the hypothesis,
the experimental and control classes were compared using t-tests. The primary analysis
indicated the experimental class performed better in listening after receiving the
listening intervention in Persian. The overall mean and standard deviation of listening
in the experimental class in Table 3 (M = 22.96, SD = 3.17) and control class (M =
18.73, SD = 3.97) of week 9 indicate that the experimental class benefited from the
guided listening strategy instruction as t (29) = 10.083, p = .000, suggesting that the
listening strategy instruction in Persian had a significant impact on lower intermediate
Iranian students in terms of EFL listening proficiency.