Thais are lack to be nationalism to think imported goods and services from
foreign countries are better than any product that made in Thailand. In fact some
products that manufactured in Thailand and sent to foreign country to be branded
and then sent back to Thailand to be sold. Actually there’re many goods and services
that are made in Thailand in high quality which can beat the others.
As we’re good at producing products we should encourage all entrepreneurs to
create our own product brand to export to the international market. In order to do
that Thailand must have a campaign on “eating Thai food, using Thai products, and
do not waste any money on foreign products so, the money of Thais won’t swift
away”. And to raise awareness of having the confidence in producing Thai products.
And also including promote the export of all goods and services with the
treaty of trade with other countries such as China, North America, etc. to reduce
the tariff barrier between countries and also increase in money value in the country.
By carrying on the campaign of “eating Thai food, using Thai products, and do not
waste any money on foreign products so, the money of Thais won’t swift away”, we
will reduce the number of import goods which we can produce it in our own and
promote goods and services which we cannot produce in fully potential has the
capacity to come up in order to reduce expenditure of import goods. And Increase
the volume of exports from Thailand as well.