But before you can commence any preliminary observation and survey on my behalf concerning this proposal, I will have to first of all send to you by courier the designed copy of the architectural building drawing plans for my propose Private Clinic that I have already procured, after getting the said designed copy of the architectural building drawing by courier you will then help me engage the service of an Architect / Civil Engineer to see that they offer their expert opinion on the cost and also on the type of ready building that I can lease or buy over there in your Country which will be compatible with the structure plan already designed on the Architectural Building Drawing plans of my propose Private Clinic project to be couriered to you. So to get this compatible type and cost of the ready building at any good location is going to be the assistance that I will want you to first of all render for me as I will also like to know the type, the cost and the area location of the said ready building which you will get for me in your Country before I can be able to know if the establishment of my Private Clinic is going to take place there your Country or not. I really have to get all these needful information before I can make my final decision on when and how to commence the establishment processing of my propose Private Clinic in your Country.