The 2011 UK census estimated the population of the UK to be over 63 million people.
There are two official languages in the UK, English and Welsh. However, over 90% of the
population speak English and for the most part Welsh is only spoken in Wales. Other languages and
regional dialects exist; for example, Gaelic is spoken in some parts of Scotland, although it is not an
official language.
The UK can be described as a multi-faith society, although a majority of 59% classed themselves
as Christian in the 2011 census. The second most prevalent religion is Muslim which is practised by
approximately 5% of the population.
The UK is in the Western European Time Zone and observes Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
(CET – 1) during the winter months and British Summer Time (BST) from March to October, to
accommodate Daylight Saving Time (DST).
The 2011 UK census estimated the population of the UK to be over 63 million people.There are two official languages in the UK, English and Welsh. However, over 90% of thepopulation speak English and for the most part Welsh is only spoken in Wales. Other languages andregional dialects exist; for example, Gaelic is spoken in some parts of Scotland, although it is not anofficial language.The UK can be described as a multi-faith society, although a majority of 59% classed themselvesas Christian in the 2011 census. The second most prevalent religion is Muslim which is practised byapproximately 5% of the population.The UK is in the Western European Time Zone and observes Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)(CET – 1) during the winter months and British Summer Time (BST) from March to October, toaccommodate Daylight Saving Time (DST).
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