need for a high efficiency low cost solar energy conversion system
to meet the growing demands of electricity. Several approaches
to reduce the system cost are being pursued including thin film,
polymer, and dye-sensitized photovoltaic cells [4]. Other approach
to reduce the amount of the expensive photovoltaic cell is concentrating
incident sunlight using low cost optical components [5].
Concentrated photovoltaic (CPV)technologyhas beengaining everincreasing
attention from the scientific community to industrial
developers due to their promising potential to pave the way for
the penetration of solar energy into modern day power generation
technologies [6,7]. The CPV systems can be distinguished from each
other with respect to several features such as concentration ratio,
type of optics and tracking requirements. The geometric concentration
ratio is defined as the ratio between the area of the primary
concentrator and the active cell area. Based on their concentration
ratios, CPV systems are generally classified as [8,9]: (i) low
concentration (LCPV): 100×). The major
hindrances at medium and high concentration are: an increase in
cell temperature reduces the efficiency and an accurate sun tracking
systemis required whichincreases the overall cost ofthe system
[10]. Low concentration photovoltaic (LCPV) systems present following