through the branches. They stumbled into wet, boggy places. They scratched themselves on thorns. There seemed to be no end of trouble, yet they could not find their way back to the path.
At last, after hours of wandering through the jungle, they stumbled into the king's back garden by accident. the king's men rushed to them immediately and captured them.
Polynesia, always a quick thinker, flew off into the treetops before they saw her. The doctor and the rest were taken to the king.
Aha the king said when he saw them. So you are caught again. This time you will not escape. This doctor who thinks he's so clever will be scrubbing my kitchen floors for the rest
of his life. Guards Take them to the prison.
So the doctor and his animals were led back to the small dungeon. They were all very upset. This is such a shame, Doctor Dolittle said. I really must get back to Puddleby. the fisherman