The research on national level, realized by Author1 (2008b), illustrates that only 22% of the institutions for the elderly from Romania are represented by the DC, the rest of the social services are permanent care homes (66%) and in-home care services (12%). These numbers are proving the lack of adequate social politics. In the developed
EU countries the percentages are inverses, the main social services being focused on the DC and in-home care. Through the current research, the utility and the necessity of community social services, particularly the DC, in the actual Romanian society was, once again, proven. Their main purpose is to prevent and to annihilate the SM
effects on the elderly. Adapting and using the reliability theory (availability, Markov models) in a social domain (in the current situation the GSW), a perspective for future researches was opened, relying on realistic arguments and leading to improvements in the entire social work system.