Prevalence of musculo-skeletal disorders among nurses in Osun
State, Nigeria
This descriptive design study aimed at finding out the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among nurses in
two teaching hospitals in Osun State of Nigeria. A self- designed questionnaire was used to collect information
from one hundred and thirty eight (138) respondents .The questionnaire was divided into demographic attributes,
factors precipitating to work related musculoskeletal disorders, part of the body affected, and units where the
respondents were working. The data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics of frequency and
percentage. The results showed that there was high prevalent rate of lower back musculoskeletal disorders in
nurses (70.3%), resulting after working hours 45.7%, musculoskeletal disorders was prevalent within the age
groups of 26 – 31 (100%), 50years and above (100%) and 20 – 25 (94.7%). Musculoskeletal disorders was found
to be prevalent in male nurses (100%) than female nurses (92.2%) while it was observed that musculoskeletal
disorders was more prevalent in nurses working in theatre (100%) and medical wards (100%), Accident and
Emergency Unit 91.7%. It was concluded that more nurses should be allowed to run a shift so that they could
assist each other. Nursing implication for the study and recommendations were proferred.