since different modes can show different efficiencies in
the treatment. The ability of the fungus to remove colour
from a dyeing industry effluent was assayed in the
modified C-limited medium (Janshekar and Fiechter,
1988). The medium contained the textile dye effluent
instead of distilled water in equal volume. The pH of the
solution was adjusted to 4.5. To the effluent-amended
medium (950 ml), 50 ml of spore suspension (105 spore/
ml) was inoculated and maintained at 39 C. Samples
were withdrawn at regular time intervals and analysed
for colour removal. The intensity of effluent colour was
measured at 490 nm. For enzyme treatment, the reaction
mixture containing 90 ml of the effluent, various concentrations
(5, 10 and 15 U/ml as a final concentration)
of LiP, MnP (in sodium succinate buffer, 20 mM; pH
4.5) and laccase (in phosphate buffer, 0.1 M; pH 7.0)
were added. The reaction mixture was incubated at 37
C for 1 h. After 1 h, the colour intensity of the effluent
was measured. Boiled enzyme was used as a control