At end of storage, soluble protein content had declined by 35.9% in fruit stored at 25 ◦C
compared to 15.4% and 9.9% in fruit kept at 10 and 6 ◦C, respectively. Similar losses in protein content after harvest have been reported for vegetables, such as, potato (Brierley et al., 1996). Protein loss could be due to respiratory activity to provide carbons for Krebs cycle reactions (Baxter and Waters, 1990)
At end of storage, soluble protein content had declined by 35.9% in fruit stored at 25 ◦Ccompared to 15.4% and 9.9% in fruit kept at 10 and 6 ◦C, respectively. Similar losses in protein content after harvest have been reported for vegetables, such as, potato (Brierley et al., 1996). Protein loss could be due to respiratory activity to provide carbons for Krebs cycle reactions (Baxter and Waters, 1990)
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