To complete "Dynamic Korean, Exciting Hallyu" course, you all have to submit two writing assignments.
The topic for the first writing assignment is "The first three Korean culture which I like most". For this assignment, describe the first three Korean culture which you like most from the video lectures and provide reasons.
The topic for the second writing assignment is "My first experience with e-learning: Dynamic Korean, Exciting Hallyu course as a case". For this assignment, describe your experience towards the use of e-Learning as an example of IT usage for educational purpose. Also, you can explain about the benefits which you've gained through e-Learning, the difficulties which you've faced. It's important to write about what you've learned from e-Learning in overall aspect, what needs to be improved, for both the system and yourself as a digital learner/digital citizen, and so on.
Both assignments should be written in English and not less than three A4 pages. The assignments should be produced using MS-Word and submitted on the e-Learning system, as a reply to this post.
The deadline for the submission is 20th of November. Remember to write your full name including student ID and group no. (e.g. English Year 2 Group 1) in both the documents and the reply.