Dear Pompran and Kingpaka,
Thank you so much for sending along your voucher for the period of 6-31 March. I have reviewed all the calculations and everything appears to be correct. In addition, I reviewed it against the accural report that you sent in a few weeks ago, and although the labor amount is slightly less than you estimated, it is close enough that I don't expect that there will be any questions from Erin. I made just a few minor changes to the invoice. First, I expanded the width of the columns C and E to make it easier to read. Second, on your personnel page, I linked the "Weighted Exchange Rate" to the Exchange Rate tab instead of making it a manual entry. That way, next month as you change the exchange rate it will automatically update the rest of the spreadsheet. On your SF1034-87(a) form, I would recommend that you add a $ sign in front of the 4825.07 because previously Erin asked that the currency be specified on that form.
Do you have any idea when you will be able to bill through the KKU service charge? When you do, you will want to add it as a subtotal on the "Other Costs" page and ensure it gets carried forward onto the Cumulative page. I will go ahead and continue to review your invoices prior to submission until my next visit and so I can help with formatting when you are ready to bill through those costs.
I also am still researching how to get an invoice generated directly from your Quickbooks so that you won't have to continue to do a manual entry, however I think it will take a few months to get this resolved.
Below is some sample text that you can use to explain the CSNM Cost Share credit on your cover letter to Erin. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you! Gwen