Results and discussion
3.1. Screening and identification of selected fungus
Eleven purified isolated fungi strains were selected for their
capacities to decolourize and degrade textile wastewater. Results
showed that all tested strains were able to remove color and COD
with different yields (Table 2). The strain C11 gives the highest color
and COD removal yields of 99.2% and 84.4%, respectively. It was
selected for the further studies. In fact, this filamentous fungus is
able to grow on an industrial textile wastewater. The morphological
characteristics of the fungus C11 were described in different stages
of growth. It was observed that the fungal filaments (Fig. 1a) produce
pigments in the presence of oxygen (Fig. 1b), which was
accompanied by the release of a fragrant smell. The orange hue
created by the isolate C11 confirms the production of secondary
metabolites. The perithecial hairs appear and become more