For Sample 2, women were recruited from HOPES-HFI, which serves high risk families as
assessed on multiple risk factors including inadequate income, young age, single marital
status, substance abuse, domestic violence, low birth weight or late prenatal care, and
depression. Eligible families receive in-home visits from a HOPES-HFI family-support
social worker. For this sample the surveys packets containing a cover letter, a brief survey,
and postage-paid return envelope, were distributed from October, 2006 to March, 2007. At
each of the 12 HOPES-HFI program sites (in 9 Iowa counties), the family-support workers
distributed the packets to any HOPES-HFI participants who were18 years of age and older.
Interested HOPES-HFI participants understood that compensation was unavailable and
independently completed and mailed the survey directly to the PI.